Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Applications are now OPEN!

Have a valuable experience of your life by joining us as a volunteer. All IMAM members are welcomed to apply and if you’re interested but not a member yet, why not register? Just simply click the link below to be a member,

Application forms are available from 27th December till 15th January 2013. It will be on the first come first serve basis and the places are limited, so DON’T DELAY!

Click here to apply,

TO KNOW MORE ABOUT IMAM RELIEF MISSION, feel free to watch the videos below

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Doctors In You (DIY): The Oath

Assalamualaikum to all.

IMAM Ireland SC will host our first event for the term 2012/2013. With collaboration with ISMA Ireland, the event, Doctors In You (DIY): The Oath, will be held on the 9th of December 2012 (Sunday) at Houston Lecture Theatre, RCSI.

The talk will be given by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azizi Ayob, Consultant Pharmacologist and Medical Director (in Private company) and his wife Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rafidah Hanim MokhtarAssociate Professor at Fakulti of Perubatan dan Sains Kesihatan, University Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM).

The talk will have a number of slots:

1st Slot:
"Ethics and Responsibility of Muslim Practitioners"
by Assoc. Prof. Dr Azizi Ayob 
MD UKM, PhD (clinical Pharmacology, IIUM), Diploma Islamic Studies (IIUM)

2nd Slot:
Introduction to IMAM Ireland Student Chapter
by Asyraf Halid
President of IMAM Ireland SC
Slot 3:
"Liberal Thought"
by Assoc. Prof. Dr Rafidah Hanim Mokhtar
MD UKM, PhD (clinical Physiology, IIUM)

4th Slot:
Forum: "What Happens Next After You Graduate From Your Medical School"
by Assoc. Prof. Dr Azizi Ayob & Assoc. Prof. Dr Rafidah Hanim Mokhtar

All medical students are invited! Don't forget to bring your friends as well!